Oh well, we are officially 3 days away from Christmas! It seems that Christmas comes earlier and earlier every year. I just remember as a kid it couldn't come fast enough and now it just seems like yesterday I was putting all the finishing touches on our house with decor! Our weekends have been filled to the brim with family time and lots of food, which usually I love but this little guy doesn't seem to like sweets all that much so I have a plate full of Christmas cookies that I made with my niece that I can't seem to eat and even a Tupperware dish full of buckeyes in the fridge that are just too sweet for me to eat!
But all in all, I am really treasuring this holiday for it is the last one for just Chad and I. And although I am excited for next year and what will be to come, it is just such an adjustment and one that I can't really plan for and just have to learn to deal with the unexpected! We celebrated 3 years of marriage last week and spent a night out on the town and then finished up with doing some shopping at Old Navy for Wesley, although we didn't get anything for him, it was fun doing it together and wondering what colors he will look good in and more or less will he even fit into a 3 month onies for too long. And Wesley has his first official piece of camo courtesy of his Dad, Chad ordered a bib for him, that I am sure will get a lot of use. Chad says the camo is for "inspiration" Ok!
Sunday morning while Chad was out deer hunting freezing cold! I went to church and froze as well! Since most of Nappanee was out of power, the church was too! But, you know while we were sitting there in our coats, gloves, scarves and hats. Pastor Dave got up and said "this was planned, this is nothing unexpected, only to us" and I love going to church and hearing the Christmas story, but you know it just never changes but Pastor Dave decided to preach about what Jesus's real name was and that was Emmanuel "God with us" and how no matter what God is with us. And it just put a new spin how the birth of Jesus and the life that he lived. I was thinking about that more and more this morning as I was driving to work about "God with us" and just how everyday he is, he was sitting in the seat next to me listening to every word I was saying. He was with us when we went through the good times this year, through the laughs, and the hugs, and even through the tears and the heartaches this year. And I just kinda sat back and remembered all the times that he was with us. And even though he is with us everyday and while we are heading into times that there is a question mark on it, he is going to be there every step of the way. I just thought that was so powerful and something that we often forget as well!
Well, here's to a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year : )
{graham devon: 10 years old}
6 months ago